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Bio-Medical Waste:

Biomedical waste is waste containing infectious or potentially infectious materials. These wastes are generated during the diagnosis, treatment, and immunization of humans and animals. Biomedical wastes can be in both solid and liquid forms.

Biomedical Waste is very infectious waste and need to handle very carefully to avoid its mixing with municipal waste. All healthcare units and big government and non-government hospitals are generating this waste. Categorization and training to employees working in hospitals and handling this hospital wastes need proper training on handling. Exposure to hazardous biomedical waste can cause disease or injury to human health. HIV, hepatitis B, and C are the three most commonly spread viruses worldwide due to improper treatment of medical wastes. They are transmitted through injuries from contaminated syringes and needles.

To avoid contamination of medical waste on large scale improper Collection, Transportation, Treatment & Disposal is necessary. A Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF) is a set up where biomedical waste, generated from a number of healthcare units, is imparted necessary treatment to reduce adverse effects that this waste may pose. The treated waste may finally be sent for disposal in a landfill or for recycling purposes.


At our facility Biomedical wastes are Disposed by the combustion of organic substances contained in biomedical waste materials. Solid biomedical waste (category1: Yellow Bags Waste) is treated by thermal treatment through incinerator. Incineration of waste converts the biomedical waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. The ash is mostly formed by the inorganic constituents of the waste and may take the form of solid lumps or particulates carried by the flue gas. The flue gases are cleaned, gaseous and particulate pollutants before they are dispersed into the atmosphere. Facility has 200 KG/Hr, (Designed capacity) Incinerator with Primary and Secondary chambers. In primary chamber we are maintaining 850 degrees temperatures and in secondary chamber 1050 degrees temperature is maintained. Induction Plasma Technology use to maintain temperature at primary and secondary chambers for complete destruction of hazardous waste. No fossil fuel use for burning in Incinerator. Scrubbing mechanism is provided to achieve prescribed flue gas parameters as per Biomedical Waste Rules 2016. Residence time in secondary chamber for flue gases is 2 sec. We are monitoring Dioxin and Furan once in a year.


This facility has 100 Litre/batch (Designed capacity) autoclave facility dedicated for the purposes of disinfecting and treating bio-medical waste. Each batch of autoclave is operated at Temperature 121°C, Pressure 15 PSI & Residence time is 45 Minutes. Following BMW categories treated by autoclaving White category Red Category : Recyclable Biomedical Wastes generated from disposable items such as tubing, bottles, intravenous tubes and sets, catheters, urine bags, syringes (without needles and fixed needle syringes) and vaccutainers with their needles cut and gloves are Autoclaved and disinfected. White category : Biomedical waste(Waste sharps including Metals) such as Needles, syringes with fixed needles, scalpels, needles from needle tip cutter or burner, blades or any other contaminated sharp object that may cause puncture and cuts this includes used, discarded and contaminated metal sharps are autoclaved and comes under White Category. To validate the performance of autoclave we are doing validation test for autoclave in every quarter of year. We are also doing spore testing on weekly basis as per Biomedical Waste Rules 2016.


This facility has 100 KG/Hr (Designed capacity) shredding, post autoclaving plastic waste are shredded into small pieces so that it cannot be used and send to authorized plastic recycler for reprocessing. Shredded waste is stored in designated area. Data for shredded waste is maintained in the facility.

Glass Press & Chemical Disinfection

This facility has 1 TPD (Designed capacity) chemical disinfection dedicated for the purposes of disinfecting and treating bio-medical wastes. Through this facility chemical and post disinfection wastes is sold to an authorized recycler. Blue category biomedical wastes are treated such as Broken or discarded and contaminated glass including medicine vials and ampoules except those contaminated with cytotoxic wastes and Metallic Body Implants. Chemical treatment using at least 10% of Sodium Hypochlorite having 30% of residual chlorine for 20 minutes or any other equivalent chemical reagent that should demonstrate Log104 reduction efficiency for micro-organisms as described in the newly updated guideline for CBMWTF.


Effluent treatment plant, also known as ETP is a waste water treatment process (WWTP) that is used to treat waste water. The main objective of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is to remove as much of the suspended solids and organic matter as possible before the waste water is discharged back to the environment or re-used for various purposes. This facility has 10 KLD (Designed capacity) ETP for waste water treatment.

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